Date(s) - September 20, 2017
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Organ Recital Hall, University Center for the Arts
Wednesday, September 21, 2017 at 5 p.m.
In conjunction with the exhibition CIIPE – Honor Laureates: Joe Scorsone and Alice Drueding
The 2017 Colorado International Invitational Poster Exhibition (CIIPE) Honor Laureates, Joe Scorsone and Alice Drueding, have been designing posters together since 1986.
Scorsone received his BFA from The University of Buffalo and MFA from The University of Illinois, both in graphic design. Drueding has a degree in art history and in graphic design from Brown University, and a degree in graphic design from Temple University. They are both currently professors emeritus at the Tyler School of Art at Temple University. Recipients of numerous awards, included in more than a dozen publications, and exhibited around the world, they are best known for their advocacy and support of pressing issues of the day. Typical subjects of their work include public health, environment protection, human rights, and free speech. With a clarity of ideas presented through compelling designs, often using humor to provide access to difficult issues, Scorsone and Drueding draw attention to their causes while frequently raising funds for them as well.